Jr Comet Sports has been registered as a 501-C-3 (non-profit organization) with the IRS since Nov. 1991
For program information and to register for one of our programs go to
the "registration" section of each sports drop-down menu.
Registration tabs are active when a program is in "Open Registration" mode.
For program information and to register for one of our programs go to
the "registration" section of each sports drop-down menu.
Registration tabs are active when a program is in "Open Registration" mode.
Recreational Leagues currently with Open Registration
Girls basketball registration is closed!
There is limited openings at our 3 levels of play.
Call Darryl Summerfield for information
Spring Soccer registration is open for:
Kinder plus Boys & Girls upper level play!
Girls basketball registration is closed!
There is limited openings at our 3 levels of play.
Call Darryl Summerfield for information
Spring Soccer registration is open for:
Kinder plus Boys & Girls upper level play!
What are the primary attributes and goals of Junior Comet Sport Programs?
What is Jr. Comet Sports All About?
Established in 1984, Jr Comet Sports was organized for the purpose of developing and operating a community youth sports program for boys and girls. It was formed to offer low cost, healthy physical activities through athletic programs. We are dedicated to forming teams with balanced talent to avoid lopsided game scores. We also expect kids to be given an equal amount of playing time in games. This gives each child a fair opportunity to develop their athletic/physical abilities and self esteem. In addition, it is the goal and objective of this organization to implant in the youth of the community the ideals of the "Code of Sportsmanship" and "Fair Play" which should be an integral part of all sport and group activities in general. I sincerely hope ALL your EXPERIENCES with Jr. Comet Sports are positive, productive, eventful and FUN - for both you and your child! Thank you for visiting our website.
Darryl Summerfield 541-951-5176 Executive Director: Junior Comet Sports |