Important information you should understand about Jr. Comet Sports:
child is on and when and where practices will be held. The program needs time to create a practice
schedule (which is no small task) and we need to make sure that requests we honored are applied
appropriately for those players based on team practice times. Once these administrative tasks are
finalized we will inform coaches that it is "OK" to call their players and begin practicing. We will notify
parents via email when this happens.
20. There may be additional information you might like to know about Junior Comet Sports. If so,
please read our Constitution under the "Home & Gen. Info" tab. Also "The History of Jr Comet Sports"
has several items concerning our programs philosophy which might be of interest.
- We are a “Recreational” sports program. We are NOT a win at all costs program. Most importantly we want kids to have FUN, and due to their experience in our program, continue to participate in sports or other programs.
- Make sure your "CHILD" wants to play. Explain they may not end up on a team with any of their current friends.
- Our teams are typically a blend of players from several schools. Part of Junior Comet Sports philosophy is to help children develop socially. We want children to intermix with new kids, create new friendships and develop comfort in new environments.
- Once players have been drafted or placed on teams and jerseys ordered there are NO refunds. If a refund is given, it may be a "Partial Refund". All fees incurred for a player who registered and has been placed on a team will be deducted from the original fee to determine a refund amount.
- Something parents should consider: If you have 2 or 3 children participating, all at different grade levels, it is very likely you will have practices each day of the week at different times and at different facilities (teams practice 2x/week). It is even possible to have 2 practices at the same time at different locations. These possibilities need to be considered to determine if this will work for your family.
- All players are expected to attend the “Player Skills Evaluation Session". This is due to the fact that players are typically "drafted" onto teams by the JCS coaches. Our drills are designed to evaluate each player's general athleticism and basic skills relevant to the sport being played.
- If you have children in more than one grade level, call the Director of that program for the best time to bring your children to the drills session since some of our programs have age specific times.
- We hold skill evaluation sessions to maintain a balance of team strength within the different levels of play. We would like to see all games be competitive. This may not always be achieved, but it is our goal.
- A coaches child that does not attend the “Skills Session" is automatically a 1st round draft pick!
- Children who do not attend the “Skills Session" are not drafted. Those children are placed on teams by a random draw.
- Siblings are automatically placed on the same team if their grade falls within the same level of play. Our levels vary depending on the program but typically there are two or three levels; find this information under the particular sports drop down menu.
- If you have siblings at the same level but DO NOT want them on the same team you must make that request.
- Moving your child up one level is a request you can make. This request must be made at or prior to the Skills Session or in all likelihood, it will not happen as there may not be room for an add at that next level or no additional jersey is available. This potential request should be approached with caution. Our program and you as a parent, hopefully would want your child to be successful and competitive at the level they end up at. Moving up one grade level, such as moving a 4th grader up with 5th, 6th & 7th, might work. As another example; moving a 1st grader up two grade levels to play with 3rd & 4th graders is not advisable as it would not generally be in that child's best interest.
- Every child registered and PAID by the cut-off deadline will be placed on a team! This assumes there are enough volunteer coaches for the number of teams required.
- No child will be drafted or placed on a team until the FEE has been paid. If you are not able to pay prior to the “Draft or Placement Session" you can set up a "Payment Contract" at the Skills Session or contact the programs primary Director. In this case your child WILL BE eligible to be drafted or placed on a team.
- We would like every team to have two coaches. However, ONLY two coaches and their child (or children) are automatically placed together on a team at the draft. After the draft, there is no limit on how many people may contribute as assistant coaches with a team.
- Due to using a coaches draft to select teams, REQUESTS are limited. You CAN make more than one request but we can only promise to do our best to honor your primary request. Our hands are tied if we try to accommodate too many requests.
- Requests may be made at the Skills Session or by contacting the primary director for a program. There will be a designated place for making requests at the Skills Session.
- Requests we DO accept and those we DO NOT!
- We DO accept requests; NOT to practice on a certain day.
- We DO accept requests; NOT to practice before or after a certain time on a given day.
- We DO accept requests; to MOVE your athlete up OR down a level of play based on ability and/or experience.
- We DO accept requests; NOT to have your child be on a particular coaches team.
- We DO accept some ride requests at our youngest age level of play. Ride sharing is not encouraged at upper levels of play as we want to maintain a balance of ability level between teams. We know some coaches and parents request ride shares to build team strength. This is not in the best interest of our program and is highly frowned upon and thus restricted. We do however want every athlete to be able to get to practice & games (ride share for the right reason).
- We DO NOT accept requests for your child to be with a certain coach or team (You may ask that coach to try and draft your child).
child is on and when and where practices will be held. The program needs time to create a practice
schedule (which is no small task) and we need to make sure that requests we honored are applied
appropriately for those players based on team practice times. Once these administrative tasks are
finalized we will inform coaches that it is "OK" to call their players and begin practicing. We will notify
parents via email when this happens.
20. There may be additional information you might like to know about Junior Comet Sports. If so,
please read our Constitution under the "Home & Gen. Info" tab. Also "The History of Jr Comet Sports"
has several items concerning our programs philosophy which might be of interest.