2023/2024 Boys Basketball Team Sponsors:
Sponsor Associated Fees and recognition:
- Our program would not be able to reach as many youth at the low price we charge if it were not for our sponsors.
- Sponsor generosity also helps us with many aspects of our program and with helping fund our annual scholarships to graduates of Crater High School.
- We recognize our "team" sponsors by printing their business names on the jerseys for each team sponsored.
- Sponsors remain listed on our website until this time next year.
- We ask that everyone support our sponsors and say a hearty "Thank You" when visiting their business establishment.
Sponsor Associated Fees and recognition:
- League - $350 first year, $250 each continuing year.
- League sponsors will have a banner produced for their business that will be displayed for all of the games at a gym for the level they sponsor.
- Team - $150, $200 for "in-kind".
- Donor - Any material, service, equipment or monetary donation of significance.